Story of film, episode 2

1918-1928: The Triumph of American Film…

Story of Film – Episode 1 – Birth of the Cinema

D-Day: The Normandy Invasion

Episode 1 – Birth of the Cinema[edit]


1895-1918: The World Discovers a New Art Form or Birth of the Cinema

Notes, Episode one, taken from Wikipedia website

Ideas drive cinema with it’s inspiration in storytelling.

Edison had a hunch that cinima was a dark room with light. Lumere factory was where the first movie was shot. Audiances got bored with the same old thing. Cinema started experimenting more.

Parrelell editing is happening at the same time. Used for suspense and build tension.

Reverse angle shot made cameraman free to shoot at any angle. Made actors the ones that were being filmed, rather then just the set.

Florence Lawrence was the first movie star. Sycology became a driving force from the movie star.

Beniam Christansan Experimented with light. One of the two men that helped form hollywood. Allowed to break the law with filmmaking.

The hundred eighty degree rule makes the audiance believe the characters are interacting with each other and the set.

Hollywwod became a magent for people who could’nt find work. Lot’s more were excepted.

Griffith conveyed emotion with cinematogrophy. Praised the Klu Klux Klan with the emotions of film. Racism was seen all over movies, causing black audiance’s members to be attacked at clubs and the Klan’s membership expanding.

Film. Week 10-GTD-Getting Things Done- Part 2

Image from BiggerPlate.c

Teens are overwhelmed, partly because they don’t yet have the skills to manage the unprecedented amount of stuff that enters their brains each day.  – from

“Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them.”

“You can do anything, but not everything.”

― David Allen, (GTD) Getting Things Done for Teens: Take Control of Your Life in a Distracting World


This and last week, I’ve struggled to have a fluent workflow, due to play rehhersals on Zoom. Through these frustrating times and research on this page, I’ve been practicing on keeping a schedule where I’m able to get things done, aloung with an ok sleep schedule. I plan in the future to reconize when it’s ok to watch something on my phone vs writing a full essay due the next day. Sites like trellol can help with my struggle of organizaion, and plan to look at it from time to time, to add in a new requirment so it doe’nt catch me off guard.




Through these presentations I can see that the writers have obviously shared a similar struggle that connects us, but I can also point out their creative ways of diving deeper into these struggles with different solutions to combat them. When David Allen talked about the beautiful moon shining through the sky during a frightening time of need and showed some light in that moment internally,  it made me realize of some similar experiences I’ve had. It’s one of those situations where I can be able to identify something positive when I seek it at very high

stakes, sometimes there visible, but most of the time for me, it’s just in my head, where I can create a vision for my own resolving in a more clean outlook, but it does’nt mean it may happen. Could be a result of overload, or extreme focus working through different networks hiding in our thoughts, but it’s shown that everyone has a tipping point, and sometimes people may except those tipping points with the positive things they hold, coming up with excuses and exercising with contrasting thoughts that smoothe’s out the rough surface enough to move forward.


Screenshot of David Allen TED Talk

Screenshot from Animated Book Summary And Review at YouTube

Examine Two GTD Maps: Basic and Detailed

  1. Detailed map by guccio@文房具社 icensed under CC BY-NC 2.0
  2. Basic map from embedded below


Come with an idea that popped at the right time.     Exploit that idea by writing it down, and see if it goes anywhere that turns on the journey.    Once the chips are set down and you haed for a destination, get ready to bring the tools with you because the journey is all the motivation you need to use them.       Reconize the map, the risks, the schedule, the amount of time, or there’s no point to to take the journey without avoiding obsticles.     Make a schedule aloung with other work on the side that contributes to your daily responsibility so it does’nt feel like you’re juggling chainsaws, one slip can affect your future.                                



The main thing I’ve learned is that everything we have stored in our heads, is never really as acked as we see tto be, when we put them on simple sticky notes. Our frustration takes hold based on our lack of direction and no scheduling for our work.


I’m very influenced by the video of Mr. Allen in the Ted talk. It feels good to get a clear statement about everyday stressful occurrences.

Trello can be helpful if a person is good with technology. It didn’t come easy to me and I felt like it stopped my ability to create freely. I worry that technology will keep me from succeeding in the film industry.  Generally, people who are creative types don’t always understand digital platforms or software. I enjoy writing and creating detailed screenplays but I have a block when it comes to recording this process on a platform like Trello.  The website feels crowded. I know it is supposed to help me organize the process but I prefer to be on my own. In a perfect world I would have a mentor that could help coach me in person or on the phone. The Trello system doesn’t feel unique and it feels less creative. Every time I look at these sites, I always think of how movie makers years ago made amazing films because it was their passion and they were able to hold on to their amazing thoughts without any disturbance of the overcrowded film industry today. I remember, Mr. Leduc, when you said that Orsan Wells knew less about film making then we did, and yet he was able to make one of the greatest movies of all time. So to me, making a film isn’t an office building where everyone is on the same page, but a place where your ideas and thoughts can be printed and create something we’ve never seen before. Right now these platforms feel stale and pointless but I will definitely try to learn as much as I can from them.

Week 9 Part 2


back to the future GIF

Start steps 1 through 3 again, repeat for your school day


David Allen image

Image from FastCompany Magazine,

I think that the GTD process could be very important if I were stuck and unable to figure out how to make progress with my work. One topic in the article was about how we compare ourrselves to others to accomplish things. I can relte very much to that, it’s a rocky road and it’s led me to the bottom of the chart, or at least near it. I love how  Verrasen exploits these common situations just through body movement and conversation. Me and most people are struggling in today’s society with the pandemic and our new way of learning aloung with other activitie’s. To tame the busy dragon in me, I think  these kinds of experiments are a huge boost for people looking for productivety. I’ve learned more to not compare yourself to others, take extra breath’s, sleep and time managing.

Through a walk, I’ve been able to regroup my ongoing conflicts in my head, examining the rough edges until I found something smoothe that began to outweigh the roughness enough for me to focus on more positive outlooks. It’s one of those situations where the simplest answer could be found by yourself and your own knowlege on how this world operates and how we are able to change our misleading thoughts into another direction.


What I learned from this assignment is that our anxiety could be tamed with basic steps to having a reliable system to your workflow. Planning ahead, staying organized and being in the moment really are some key factors into making progress with all our work. The lesson that stuck with me most of all, and that I was able to sum up was, focusing on the journey and not the destination. Focusing on the outcome of something can lead to people having negative thoughts of what could happen if they failed their

objective. This concept helped me alot with my writing. I’ve been able to focus on the story more instead of the feedback that may come afterward.


Week 9 – GTD – Getting Things Done – Part 1


The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

“Day 092/366 – To Do List” by Great Beyond is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Your toughest work is defining what your work is! –  Peter Drucker



Image of David Allen at TED Talk
Screenshot from David Allen TED Talk

In this ‘room’ you are going to try Getting Things Done (GTD).


Screenshot of David Allen TED Talk
Screenshot of David Allen TED Talk

Chemistry, Lines for rehersal, reading books, staying in shape, sleep, good work ethic, be apart of a community, two year college, and good grades.


Screenshot of David Allen TED Talk
Screenshot of David Allen TED Talk
  • Set a timer
  • Spend up to 5 minutes
  • Prioritize your list, here in this section of your blog
    • Most important at the top

Good grades

two year college

Being apart of a community

Good work ethic

Lines for rehersal



Reading books

Film – Week 8 – Screenwriting

Planning for a New Kind of Space Laboratory (Archive: NASA, International Space Station, 11/26/13)

“Ali film script” by Zadi Diaz is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

“You can’t fix a bad script after you start shooting. The problems on the page only get bigger as they move to the big screen.” – Howard Hawks


This week I’ve learned the basics on celtix. I find it very helpful diving into the proper way of creating your work paper.



In sneak alot, I’ve been able to research how flm has developed and evolved over the years. One of the example films I watched was the great train robbery, which was an accurate representation of wha kind of things they did back then with film, what kind of techniques they used, the camerawork, the setting.  I’ve looked at all the positions people have in making a movie, what they contribute, how they do it. It’s the kind of production that we still see in films today and still use as a process.


 Tension for me mostly involve’s stakes that reach over the line of what I usually deal with. Like if I’m in a situation where I don’t know how to handle it, or I’m left hopeless and have to change the way I proceive something forever. I don’t care about any of the petty things highscool is known for making. Learning somethin the hard way, no matter what it is, whether it depends on my future, mine or anybody elses life, has always been the greatest contributor to confronting tension because i have no real

knowledge of what these outcomes could be, all I know is that the world does’nt revolve around anyone and any outcome is possible. Not knowing what it’s gonna be fills me up with tension. That’s why I try to focus on the journey and not the destination.


Determined to make a name in his success, Danny has to gain the confidence of an entire city to seize full power. 

After being a witness of a great massacre, Jacob must change his living conditions in order to keep himself and the people around him safe.

David, neglectful, unforgiving and despicable, will receive an opportunity that will change his outlook on life forever. 

She must find the only remaining branch in her tree, and will scope out the earth until she get’s her friend back out of the clutches of this cruel world. 

Entitled to perfection and a craving for lust, Elizabeth Strom’s identity will crumble with current uninviting events.


I’ve learned from the video that in order to make a story structure, you have to look at how stories in our everyday lives are told, what draws us into them and why we take them in. It is possible to tinker around with this structure, but movies overall have always followed this specific pattern for creating a story. It’s the most engaging, because of the journey that is centered around it. If all we had was a destination and no journey, everything would be dull and meaningless.


I’ve researched and what I came up with most of all is, problem solving is’nt always instant, a process is always involved. People always need to refresh their minds and see if something clicks that can help them with their problems. Relying on what you see as the situation and how you and everyone want’s to see out of it, can increase the strength in collaborating and coming with new solutions. Some would be easier than others,but still have the work put in it. Early film makers had to come up with new ways of showing their movies, eventually evolving into what we have today. It’s always a process. 


It was fun to go over the history of film and how it evolved over time. My biggest complaint overall is just the craving to actually practice these in class, see what it’s like to be a producer, director, designer, or whatever position we’re interested in, so we can learn from experience. Still it was fun getting to know the basics, and expanding our knowledge on what can be done.