Film – Week 14 – Intro to Analysis

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Turner” by classic film scans is licensed under CC BY 2.0

“Analysis gave me great freedom of emotions and fantastic confidence. I felt I had served my time as a puppet.”

Hedy Lamarr – Read about 1930s actress Hedy Lamarr-inventor of cell phones, Wi-Fi and GPS


I studied other positions of filmmaking, mainly involving makeup and design of the setting and characters. Besides taking in my own interest’s, I’ve also been more active in socialising and reaching out to others I hav’nt been around for a long while.


I think this chart, most of all, is able to help us recognize the smaller things in life that we don’t take notice too often. Like doing little things for other people, instead of just killing time whenever you get the chance. Instead these kinds of side activities could remind us of what types of habits made us at home and happy, just for doing it. Recently I recognized my love of legos after blocking that sort of routine out of my mind during the pandemic. Lately after focusing on my mental health and recognizing the lack of trying anything outside of wasting time, I’ve been looking back to that sort of pleasure of enjoyment. All the stress and anxiety were feeling, I feel can be resolved by focusing on what we could do, instead of what we should do while also being productive at the same time.


I’ve learned from the film I’ve watched more about the dedication in telling a story just through a character’s physical forms. The Pale man for example showed me what pure facism would look like if it were a fully formed thing or person. These kinds of character details make me appreciate that work that’s behind them even more, with telling exactly what a person may be like, just by looking at them.

A problem I’ve solved over this course is exploring different things with my time, whether they’d be small or benefiting others. For example, I’ve been building some lego’s and doing some drawing’s recently. Enjoying certain habits while also still being productive.


Reviewing a film of our own choosing I thought was very enjoyable to work on. Placing down our own comments and idea’s I think is a great way to understand the structure of film better than we already did. 

It was also good to go over articles about self care during this pandemic. Reading it helps me remind the vastness of struggle that’s going on in our world today, and I think self care articles like these are always helpful, especially today.

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